
Joshua Markette

Vintage Dairy Queen Sign

Project Info

  • Date August 2014
  • Software 3D Studio Max

Vintage Dairy Queen Sign

I will never lose my love for old neon signs, and it saddens me that LEDs have all but replaced them. For now, at least, LEDs quite can't match that soft and nostalgic glow. And it was that sense of nostalgia that was the primary motivation for this project. Though I've not seen this particular variant of the old-school DQ sign in person, it still invokes memories of road trips taken with the family as a kid.

All of that aside, creating the bends and curves of the glass tubes provided a fun challenge. Rederable splines proved to be the best answer, with self-illuminating materials giving off the perfect amount of glow. At some point soon I would like to take on a similar project, this time focusing on another famous neon-lit sign; the "Great Sign" of Holiday Inn.

Vintage Dairy Queen Sign